That same evening they both went home with great news. Kuya Harold passed the exams with flying colors while Kuya Mark got the go signal from the agency saying that he can leave in a couple of weeks after attending a Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS).
For Kuya Harold passing IELTS will take him a step further towards taking the AMT (American Medical Technologists) Exams and fulfilling his plan to work in the US and be with his girlfriend. For Mark, his trip to Dubai will be a big help towards supplementing the family income. I know very well he needs this job because his son TJ is growing and pretty soon he'll be off to school and need a lot of things.
For Me, Diane and Shiela it would be sad to see them go because of all the times we've been together, sang together and even the times we fought with each other. Those seemingly dire and explosive confrontations have just made us stronger.
Now the time has come for them to seek new paths and find where God would lead them. They both promised to support us in one way or another by way of instruments and gadgets necessary for our performance or by helping to provide for new uniforms.
For our fans and clients the burgeoning question now is, who will replace them? Will the sudden change in membership affect the quality of our performance?
It is a good thing that we prepared well for what might happen. That is why we already figured out their replacements months before this. As to the implications the sudden change of membership may have regarding the quality of our performances we have made sure that the new replacements would either be at par or perhaps better skilled than their predecessors. I can strongly attest to this due to the fact that I already sang with these guys quite some time and I have been a frequent recipient of their genuine kindness and good camaraderie. I have no doubt we'll make a great team.